Blink Charging Hellas continuously operates for a sustainable environment, applying a certified environmental management system based on ISO14001: 2015
Monitors and implements to the current environmental legislation.
It is constantly improving, reducing the environmental footprint of its functions.
Minimizes the use of energy and natural resources per employee.
Monitors the gaseous pollutants that come from the facilities and sets environmental programs for their reduction with the ultimate goal of its environmentally neutral operation.
Uses products with environmental labeling.
Selects partners with strict environmental criteria, who share the same environmental vision as Blink Charging.
Recycles all recyclable materials from the operation of the facility, through approved recycling systems, including light bulbs, batteries and electrical / electronic equipment at the end of their operational life.
Takes part in environmental actions that improve the daily lives of our fellow citizens and the environment in which we live.
Steadily expands the network of chargers, actively contributing to the restructuring of the way our fellow citizens move, and to the reduction of gaseous pollutants.
Establishes, monitors and reviews, whenever required, quality objectives, & environmental protection.
Has identified, improved and continuously reviews the effects of its services on the environment.