The world is going electric and Blink Charging is here to make it happen. We’re helping drivers transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). The shift from ICE to EV can be intimidating, but it’s easy once you know the basics. With that in mind, here are three advantages to owning an EV: less maintenance, better performance, and quieter ride.
Less ongoing maintenance
EVs require less maintenance than their ICE, or gas, cousins. This is because they have fewer moving parts and fewer fluids. As much as 70% of an EVs component parts may be different from those in an ICE vehicle, according to CALSTART, a California-based organization focused on clean transportation. You can get a better idea about the difference simply by listing the major drive components for both types of vehicles.
With ICE vehicles, you have:
Gas tank
Fuel injectors
Throttle valve
Pistons & Cylinders
Catalytic converter
Exhaust system
Water pump
Fuel pump
Oil pump
Along with all the moving parts that can easily break, many of these components also have filters that need to be regularly replaced. Depending on the type of engine used in the vehicle, there may also be fans and belts that wear out and need regular replacement.
Electric vehicles have:
On-board charger
Cooling system
And that’s about it.
Aside from the liquid in the cooling system, which needs its coolant replaced once every five years or so, EVs don’t have many fluids or moving parts. There are no regular oil changes, no oil filters, and no fuel injectors that can potentially become clogged.
That’s not to say there is no maintenance at all. EV manufacturers still recommend you bring your vehicle in for an annual inspection. Regular EV maintenance includes tire rotations, changing the cabin air filter and replacing the brake fluid every couple of years.
The biggest part of EV maintenance is an inspection to make sure everything is in order. Aside from rotating the tires and topping up windshield washer fluid, all other major maintenance happens at infrequent intervals, saving you time and money at the auto repair shop.
Better performance
When it comes to vehicle performance, you get more bang for your buck when it comes to driving an EV. That’s because a greater percentage of the power the motor generates goes toward driving the vehicle. This is especially noticeable during acceleration. Unless you’re driving some ultra-high performance ICE car, there is a slight delay between stepping on the accelerator and the car accelerating. That’s because the liquid fuel must ignite and combust within the engine before its energy is released to the wheels. The process happens quickly, but there is still lost potential acceleration power during the fuel injection process.
In an EV, acceleration is instantaneous. You press the accelerator, the car accelerates. Immediately. That’s because, unlike in an ICE vehicle, power in an EV is applied directly to the wheels. There are also no gears an EV has to accelerate through. EVs essentially just have a single gear.
Better performance and energy efficiency
An electric drive system only has about a 15-20% energy loss compared to 64-75% of lost energy in an ICE vehicle. As the US Department of Energy notes, 68-72% of a gas vehicle’s energy consumption is lost at the engine, including thermal (radiator and exhaust heat), combustion, pumping, and friction. Electric vehicles only have a battery, no engine that could shed energy! So much energy is lost in an ICE vehicle that only 16-25% of energy is actually used to power the wheels. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, use 65-69% of the total energy to power the wheels. Then, thanks to regenerative braking, 22% of the energy is recaptured, passed back to the battery, and then used a second time to power the wheels. In other words, EVs are “60-73% efficient, depending on the drive cycle,” and regenerative braking can increase total efficiency to 77-100%.
While all vehicles “lose” energy when a driver uses heaters, headlights, and other systems, electric vehicles are by far the most efficient option.
Quieter ride
You know how ICE vehicle advertisements like to talk about how the vehicle cabin is engineered to give you a quieter ride?
Well, EVs do that automatically.
Without an internal combustion engine, the only sound the vehicle actually makes is the sound of tires rolling on the road (and whatever music comes from your stereo). In fact, EVs are so quiet that they’re actually required to make artificial sounds at low speed for increased pedestrian safety. You may even be able to choose which sound your EV makes. That’s not something you can do in an ICE vehicle. If you like your ride to be so quiet you could hear a spark plug drop on the road, you will appreciate the driving atmosphere an EV provides.
Of course, cheaper maintenance, better performance, and quieter ride aren’t the only benefits. We haven’t even touched on how an electric vehicle saves your money in fuel costs, the long-term savings for vehicle ownership, the numerous purchase incentives and EV tax credits, or environmental sustainability.
When it comes to vehicle ownership, EVs have all the advantages. With an EV, you no longer have to make a weekly visit to the gas station. The only way to fully enjoy the numerous advantages to EV ownership is to join the EV revolution. We’ll be waiting for you when you do.
The future is electric!