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Why Pricing Varies from One Charger to Another

Posted 04/08/2020

EV drivers are always looking for the perfect place to charge their cars, and often consider price when choosing where to stop. Variation in price can be frustrating for consumers who don’t understand why different chargers at different locations charge different prices (even if they’re owned by the same company). Others, who know what rate they pay for electricity in their homes, don’t understand why a rate charged by a business in the same area is significantly higher. There are many different reasons why prices vary.

Residential vs. Business

Residential customers enjoy low electricity rates that businesses just don’t get. Businesses are charged higher rates. Rates vary by state, but also by area within a state. There is also a simple price of doing business. All companies have some kind of overhead. There is also significant costs associated with the R&D, manufacturing, installation, and operations of EV charging equipment and the network on which it operates. Blink has a dedicated customer service department to aid drivers anytime day or night.


Avg Cost Savings Between Blink Members and Non-Members

Blink also offers a range of flexible business models, and the price of charging is often influenced by the type of business model each location is interested in, as well as the electric rates at the location of the charger.

Many Reasons to Install a Charger

There are many good reasons to install an EV charger. An EV charging station improves air quality, is convenient for employees, local residents, and attracts visitors and new customers who drive EVs. It’s also a potential source of revenue.

Two Options, Many Ways to Go Green

Blink has installed chargers at business places, grocery stores, restaurants, shopping centers, public garages, public parks, sports arenas, and a whole lot more.

Blink Owned EVSE

In the first of our business models, we own and operate the EVSE. We manage installation, maintenance, and related services, sharing a portion of the charging equipment’s revenue with the property owner. The amount charged to the customer is set by Blink. Blink takes care of everything, including accurate pricing and equipment maintenance. Blink provides hands-on care for our customers, including helping them to choose the best site for the equipment. If something goes wrong with the equipment, we fix it. Members of Blink pay less than non-members, while the price of electricity in your area also weighs in on price.

For an idea of what members and non-members pay in each state, check out our definitive list. As of 2020, Blink charges 39 cents per kilowatt hour if possible, but not necessarily everywhere. Sometimes electricity is less expensive, so we are able to charge less. Alternatively, in Connecticut, for example, rates are higher so Blink charges closer to 59 cents per kilowatt hour there. In states where legislation allows for the resale of electricity, charging is based on the amount of power consumed, not the length of time the car is plugged into the charger. For states where electricity cannot be resold, EV charging station operators must charge for the time the equipment is being used. Because EVs can receive electricity at varying rates, operators must price the time for cars with the maximum receive rates of electricity making time-based pricing more expensive for most EV drivers.

Host Owned EVSE

Alternatively, some of our clients purchase the equipment themselves. Because the charger is owned by the property owner, the property owner can establish the charging rate, even offering the charging for free to attract EV drivers to their location. So, if you see a Blink charger with fees noticeably different than our fees usually are, the proprietor may own the equipment and be setting their own rates. While Blink charges the lowest prices we can, you may notice differences in charging rates in different areas for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons include electricity rates in the area, whether or not electricity can be resold, and whether Blink or the proprietor is setting the rates.

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